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Manifest Checks: Sources#


The below checks require manifest.json to be present.


Name Description

Sources must have a populated description.


Sources must have a populated freshness.


The meta config for sources must have the specified keys.


Sources must have the specified tags.


Sources must have a populated loader.


Sources must have a name that matches the supplied regex.


Sources must be referenced in at least one model.


Source properties files must follow the guidance provided by dbt here.


Sources can only be referenced by models that are located in the same directory where the source is defined.


Each source can be referenced by a maximum of one model.

CheckSourceDescriptionPopulated #

Sources must have a populated description.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
source DbtBouncerSourceBase

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_description_populated

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceDescriptionPopulated(BaseCheck):
    """Sources must have a populated description.

        source (DbtBouncerSourceBase): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_description_populated


    name: Literal["check_source_description_populated"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        assert len(self.source.description.strip()) > 4, (
            f"`{self.source.source_name}.{}` does not have a populated description."

CheckSourceFreshnessPopulated #

Sources must have a populated freshness.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_freshness_populated

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceFreshnessPopulated(BaseCheck):
    """Sources must have a populated freshness.

        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_freshness_populated


    name: Literal["check_source_freshness_populated"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        error_msg = f"`{self.source.source_name}.{}` does not have a populated freshness."
        assert self.source.freshness is not None, error_msg
        assert (
            self.source.freshness.error_after.count is not None
            and self.source.freshness.error_after.period is not None
        ) or (
            self.source.freshness.warn_after.count is not None
            and self.source.freshness.warn_after.period is not None
        ), error_msg

CheckSourceHasMetaKeys #

The meta config for sources must have the specified keys.


Name Type Description Default
keys NestedDict

A list (that may contain sub-lists) of required keys.


Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_has_meta_keys
        - contact:
            - email
            - slack
        - owner

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceHasMetaKeys(BaseCheck):
    """The `meta` config for sources must have the specified keys.

        keys (NestedDict): A list (that may contain sub-lists) of required keys.

        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_has_meta_keys
                - contact:
                    - email
                    - slack
                - owner


    keys: "NestedDict"
    name: Literal["check_source_has_meta_keys"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        missing_keys = find_missing_meta_keys(

        assert missing_keys == [], (
            f"`{self.source.source_name}.{}` is missing the following keys from the `meta` config: {[x.replace('>>', '') for x in missing_keys]}"

CheckSourceHasTags #

Sources must have the specified tags.


Name Type Description Default
source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

tags List[str]

List of tags to check for.


Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_has_tags
        - tag_1
        - tag_2

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceHasTags(BaseCheck):
    """Sources must have the specified tags.

        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.
        tags (List[str]): List of tags to check for.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_has_tags
                - tag_1
                - tag_2


    name: Literal["check_source_has_tags"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)
    tags: List[str]

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        missing_tags = [tag for tag in self.tags if tag not in self.source.tags]
        assert not missing_tags, (
            f"`{self.source.source_name}.{}` is missing required tags: {missing_tags}."

CheckSourceLoaderPopulated #

Sources must have a populated loader.


Name Type Description Default
source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.


Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_loader_populated

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceLoaderPopulated(BaseCheck):
    """Sources must have a populated loader.

        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_loader_populated


    name: Literal["check_source_loader_populated"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        assert self.source.loader != "", (
            f"`{self.source.source_name}.{}` does not have a populated loader."

CheckSourceNames #

Sources must have a name that matches the supplied regex.


Name Type Description Default
source_name_pattern str

Regexp the source name must match.


Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_names
      source_name_pattern: >

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceNames(BaseCheck):
    """Sources must have a name that matches the supplied regex.

        source_name_pattern (str): Regexp the source name must match.

        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_names
              source_name_pattern: >


    name: Literal["check_source_names"]
    source_name_pattern: str
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        assert (
            is not None
        ), (
            f"`{self.source.source_name}.{}` does not match the supplied regex `({self.source_name_pattern.strip()})`."

CheckSourceNotOrphaned #

Sources must be referenced in at least one model.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
models List[DbtBouncerModelBase]

List of DbtBouncerModelBase objects parsed from manifest.json.

source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_not_orphaned

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceNotOrphaned(BaseCheck):
    """Sources must be referenced in at least one model.

        models (List[DbtBouncerModelBase]): List of DbtBouncerModelBase objects parsed from `manifest.json`.
        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_not_orphaned


    models: List["DbtBouncerModelBase"] = Field(default=[])
    name: Literal["check_source_not_orphaned"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        num_refs = sum(
            self.source.unique_id in model.depends_on.nodes for model in self.models
        assert num_refs >= 1, (
            f"Source `{self.source.source_name}.{}` is orphaned, i.e. not referenced by any model."

CheckSourcePropertyFileLocation #

Source properties files must follow the guidance provided by dbt here.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_property_file_location

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourcePropertyFileLocation(BaseCheck):
    """Source properties files must follow the guidance provided by dbt [here](

        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_property_file_location


    name: Literal["check_source_property_file_location"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        path_cleaned = clean_path_str(self.source.original_file_path).replace(
            "models/staging", ""
        expected_substring = "_".join(path_cleaned.split("/")[:-1])

        assert path_cleaned.split(
        ), (
            f"The properties file for `{self.source.source_name}.{}` (`{path_cleaned}`) does not start with an underscore."
        assert expected_substring in path_cleaned, (
            f"The properties file for `{self.source.source_name}.{}` (`{path_cleaned}`) does not contain the expected substring (`{expected_substring}`)."
        assert path_cleaned.split(
        ), (
            f"The properties file for `{self.source.source_name}.{}` (`{path_cleaned}`) does not end with `__sources.yml`."

CheckSourceUsedByModelsInSameDirectory #

Sources can only be referenced by models that are located in the same directory where the source is defined.


Name Type Description Default
models List[DbtBouncerModelBase]

List of DbtBouncerModelBase objects parsed from manifest.json.

source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.


Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_used_by_models_in_same_directory

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceUsedByModelsInSameDirectory(BaseCheck):
    """Sources can only be referenced by models that are located in the same directory where the source is defined.

        models (List[DbtBouncerModelBase]): List of DbtBouncerModelBase objects parsed from `manifest.json`.
        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_used_by_models_in_same_directory


    models: List["DbtBouncerModelBase"] = Field(default=[])
    name: Literal["check_source_used_by_models_in_same_directory"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        reffed_models_not_in_same_dir = []
        for model in self.models:
            if (
                self.source.unique_id in model.depends_on.nodes
                and model.original_file_path.split("/")[:-1]
                != self.source.original_file_path.split("/")[:-1]

        assert len(reffed_models_not_in_same_dir) == 0, (
            f"Source `{self.source.source_name}.{}` is referenced by models defined in a different directory: {reffed_models_not_in_same_dir}"

CheckSourceUsedByOnlyOneModel #

Each source can be referenced by a maximum of one model.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
models List[DbtBouncerModelBase]

List of DbtBouncerModelBase objects parsed from manifest.json.

source DbtBouncerSource

The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_source_used_by_only_one_model

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckSourceUsedByOnlyOneModel(BaseCheck):
    """Each source can be referenced by a maximum of one model.

        models (List[DbtBouncerModelBase]): List of DbtBouncerModelBase objects parsed from `manifest.json`.
        source (DbtBouncerSource): The DbtBouncerSourceBase object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Source paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the source path (i.e the .yml file where the source is configured). Only source paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_source_used_by_only_one_model


    models: List["DbtBouncerModelBase"] = Field(default=[])
    name: Literal["check_source_used_by_only_one_model"]
    source: "DbtBouncerSourceBase" = Field(default=None)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        num_refs = sum(
            self.source.unique_id in model.depends_on.nodes for model in self.models
        assert num_refs <= 1, (
            f"Source `{self.source.source_name}.{}` is referenced by more than one model."