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Config file#

dbt-bouncer requires a config file which determines what checks are run. The following options are available, in order of priority:

  1. A file passed via the --config-file CLI flag.
  2. A file named dbt-bouncer.yml in the current working directory.
  3. A [tool.dbt-bouncer] section in pyproject.toml.

Here is an example config file in yaml:

# [Optional] Directory where the dbt artifacts exists, generally the `target` directory inside a dbt project. Defaults to `./target`.
dbt_artifacts_dir: target

  - name: check_macro_name_matches_file_name
  - name: check_model_names
    include: ^models/staging
    model_name_pattern: ^stg_

And the same config in toml:

# [Optional] Directory where the dbt artifacts exists, generally the `target` directory inside a dbt project. Defaults to `./target`.
dbt_artifacts_dir = "target"

name = "check_macro_name_matches_file_name"

name = "check_model_names"
include = "^models/staging"
model_name_pattern = "^stg_"

For more example config files, see here.

Common arguments#

Exclude and Include#

Most (but not all) checks accept the following optional arguments:

  • exclude: Regexp to match which original file paths to exclude.
  • include: Regexp to match which original file paths to include.

Example per resource type:

  • Exposures: The original file path to the properties file where the source is defined, e.g. ^models/marts/finance will match exposures defined in ./models/marts/finance/_exposures.yml.
  • Macros: The original file path to the macro file, e.g. ^macros/system will match files like ./macros/system/generate_schema_name.sql.
  • Models: The original file path to the model file, e.g. ^marts will match files like ./models/marts/customers.sql.
  • Run results: The original file path to the file associated with the resource, e.g. ^seeds/finance will match seeds in ./seeds/finance, ^models/staging will match models and tests in ./models/staging.
  • Semantic models: The original file path to the properties file where the semantic model is defined, e.g. ^models/marts/finance will match semantic models defined in ./models/marts/finance/_finance__semantic_models.yml.
  • Sources: The original file path to the properties file where the source is defined, e.g. ^models/staging/crm will match sources defined in ./models/staging/crm/_crm__sources.yml.
  • Unit tests: The original file path to the properties file where the unit test is defined, e.g. ^models/staging/crm will match unit tests defined in ^staging/crm/_stg_crm__unit_tests.yml.

To determine if a check accepts these arguments view the Checks page.


exclude and include can be specified at both the check level and the global level. Should both levels be specified, then the check level is applied. All the below examples result in the check_model_names check being run on all models in ./models/staging:

# Specify `include` at the check level only
  - name: check_model_names
    include: ^models/staging
    model_name_pattern: ^stg_
# Specify `include` at the check and global levels
include: ^models/marts
  - name: check_model_names
    include: ^models/staging
    model_name_pattern: ^stg_
# Specify `include` at the global level only
include: ^models/staging
  - name: check_model_names
    model_name_pattern: ^stg_


When compiled on Windows machines, keys such as original_file_path, patch_path and path take the form:


When compiled on Linux and Mac machines, these same keys take the form:


dbt-bouncer converts all of these paths to the Linux/Mac form, hence when you are supplying values to exclude and include you should use the Linux/Mac form.


All checks accept a severity argument, valid values are:

  • error: If the check fails then dbt-bouncer will return a non-zero exit code.
  • warn: If the check fails then dbt-bouncer will return a non-zero exit code.

severity can also be specified globally, this is useful when applying dbt-bouncer to a pre-existing dbt project. It allows you to run dbt-bouncer, identify the checks that fail and address the failures in your own time without receiving non-zero exit codes:

# Specify `severity` at the global levels: all checks will have a `warn` severity, avoiding non-zero exit codes.
severity: warn

  - name: check_exposure_based_on_view


severity can be specified at both the check level and the global level. Should both levels be specified, then the global level is applied.

# No `severity` specified: check will have an `error` severity.
  - name: check_exposure_based_on_view
# Specify `severity` at the check level only: check will have a `warn` severity.
  - name: check_exposure_based_on_view
    severity: warn
# Specify `severity` at the check and global levels: check will have a `warn` severity.
severity: warn
  - name: check_exposure_based_on_view
    severity: error
# Specify `severity` at the global level only: check will have a `warn` severity.
severity: warn
  - name: check_exposure_based_on_view