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Manifest Checks: Macros#


The below checks require manifest.json to be present.

CheckMacroArgumentsDescriptionPopulated #

Macro arguments must have a populated description.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
macro Macros

The Macros object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_macro_arguments_description_populated
# Only "common" macros need to have their arguments populated
    - name: check_macro_arguments_description_populated
      include: ^macros/common

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckMacroArgumentsDescriptionPopulated(BaseCheck):
    """Macro arguments must have a populated description.

        macro (Macros): The Macros object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_macro_arguments_description_populated
        # Only "common" macros need to have their arguments populated
            - name: check_macro_arguments_description_populated
              include: ^macros/common


    macro: "Macros" = Field(default=None)
    name: Literal["check_macro_arguments_description_populated"]

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        environment = Environment(autoescape=True, extensions=[TagExtension])
        ast = environment.parse(self.macro.macro_sql)

        if hasattr(ast.body[0], "args"):
            # Assume macro is a "true" macro
            macro_arguments = [ for a in ast.body[0].args]
            if "materialization" in [
                for x in ast.body[0].nodes[0].kwargs  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                if isinstance(x.value, nodes.Const)
                # Materializations don't have arguments
                macro_arguments = []
                # Macro is a test
                test_macro = next(
                    for x in ast.body
                    if not isinstance(x.nodes[0], nodes.Call)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                macro_arguments = [
                    for x in test_macro.nodes  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                    if isinstance(x, nodes.Name)

        # macro_arguments: List of args parsed from macro SQL
        # macro.arguments: List of args manually added to the properties file

        non_complying_args = []
        for arg in macro_arguments:
            macro_doc_raw = [x for x in self.macro.arguments if == arg]
            if macro_doc_raw == [] or (
                arg not in [ for x in self.macro.arguments]
                or len(macro_doc_raw[0].description.strip()) <= 4

        assert (
            non_complying_args == []
        ), f"Macro `{}` does not have a populated description for the following argument(s): {non_complying_args}."

CheckMacroCodeDoesNotContainRegexpPattern #

The raw code for a macro must not match the specified regexp pattern.


Name Type Description Default
regexp_pattern str

The regexp pattern that should not be matched by the macro code.


Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
macro Macros

The Macros object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    # Prefer `coalesce` over `ifnull`:
    - name: check_macro_code_does_not_contain_regexp_pattern
      regexp_pattern: .*[i][f][n][u][l][l].*

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckMacroCodeDoesNotContainRegexpPattern(BaseCheck):
    """The raw code for a macro must not match the specified regexp pattern.

        regexp_pattern (str): The regexp pattern that should not be matched by the macro code.

        macro (Macros): The Macros object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            # Prefer `coalesce` over `ifnull`:
            - name: check_macro_code_does_not_contain_regexp_pattern
              regexp_pattern: .*[i][f][n][u][l][l].*


    macro: "Macros" = Field(default=None)
    name: Literal["check_macro_code_does_not_contain_regexp_pattern"]
    regexp_pattern: str

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        assert (
            re.compile(self.regexp_pattern.strip(), flags=re.DOTALL).match(
            is None
        ), f"Macro `{}` contains a banned string: `{self.regexp_pattern.strip()}`."

CheckMacroDescriptionPopulated #

Macros must have a populated description.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
macro Macros

The Macros object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_macro_description_populated
# Only "common" macros need to have a populated description
    - name: check_macro_description_populated
      include: ^macros/common

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckMacroDescriptionPopulated(BaseCheck):
    """Macros must have a populated description.

        macro (Macros): The Macros object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_macro_description_populated
        # Only "common" macros need to have a populated description
            - name: check_macro_description_populated
              include: ^macros/common


    macro: "Macros" = Field(default=None)
    name: Literal["check_macro_description_populated"]

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        assert (
            len(self.macro.description.strip()) > 4
        ), f"Macro `{}` does not have a populated description."

CheckMacroMaxNumberOfLines #

Macros may not have more than the specified number of lines.


Name Type Description Default
max_number_of_lines int

The maximum number of permitted lines.


Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
macro Macros

The Macros object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_macro_max_number_of_lines
    - name: check_macro_max_number_of_lines
      max_number_of_lines: 100

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckMacroMaxNumberOfLines(BaseCheck):
    """Macros may not have more than the specified number of lines.

        max_number_of_lines (int): The maximum number of permitted lines.

        macro (Macros): The Macros object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_macro_max_number_of_lines
            - name: check_macro_max_number_of_lines
              max_number_of_lines: 100


    macro: "Macros" = Field(default=None)
    name: Literal["check_macro_max_number_of_lines"]
    max_number_of_lines: int = Field(default=50)

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        actual_number_of_lines = self.macro.macro_sql.count("\n") + 1

        assert (
            actual_number_of_lines <= self.max_number_of_lines
        ), f"Macro `{}` has {actual_number_of_lines} lines, this is more than the maximum permitted number of lines ({self.max_number_of_lines})."

CheckMacroNameMatchesFileName #

Macros names must be the same as the file they are contained in.

Generic tests are also macros, however to document these tests the "name" value must be preceded with "test_".

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
macro Macros

The Macros object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_macro_name_matches_file_name

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckMacroNameMatchesFileName(BaseCheck):
    """Macros names must be the same as the file they are contained in.

    Generic tests are also macros, however to document these tests the "name" value must be preceded with "test_".

        macro (Macros): The Macros object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_macro_name_matches_file_name


    macro: "Macros" = Field(default=None)
    name: Literal["check_macro_name_matches_file_name"]

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
            assert (
                == clean_path_str(self.macro.original_file_path)
            ), f"Macro `{self.macro.unique_id}` is not in a file named `{[5:]}.sql`."
            assert (
                == clean_path_str(self.macro.original_file_path)
            ), f"Macro `{}` is not in a file of the same name."

CheckMacroPropertyFileLocation #

Macro properties files must follow the guidance provided by dbt here.

Receives at execution time:

Name Type Description
macro Macros

The Macros object to check.

Other Parameters (passed via config file):

Name Type Description
exclude Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.

include Optional[str]

Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.

severity Optional[Literal['error', 'warn']]

Severity level of the check. Default: error.


    - name: check_macro_property_file_location

Source code in src/dbt_bouncer/checks/manifest/
class CheckMacroPropertyFileLocation(BaseCheck):
    """Macro properties files must follow the guidance provided by dbt [here](

        macro (Macros): The Macros object to check.

    Other Parameters:
        exclude (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Macro paths that match the pattern will not be checked.
        include (Optional[str]): Regex pattern to match the macro path. Only macro paths that match the pattern will be checked.
        severity (Optional[Literal["error", "warn"]]): Severity level of the check. Default: `error`.

            - name: check_macro_property_file_location


    macro: "Macros" = Field(default=None)
    name: Literal["check_macro_property_file_location"]

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Execute the check."""
        expected_substr = "_".join(

        assert (
            clean_path_str(self.macro.patch_path) is not None
        ), f"Macro `{}` is not defined in a `.yml` properties file."
        properties_yml_name = clean_path_str(self.macro.patch_path).split("/")[-1]

        if clean_path_str(self.macro.original_file_path).startswith(
        ):  # Do not check generic tests (which are also macros)
        elif expected_substr == "":  # i.e. macro in ./macros
            assert (
                properties_yml_name == "_macros.yml"
            ), f"The properties file for `{}` (`{properties_yml_name}`) should be `_macros.yml`."
            assert properties_yml_name.startswith(
            ), f"The properties file for `{}` (`{properties_yml_name}`) does not start with an underscore."
            assert (
                expected_substr in properties_yml_name
            ), f"The properties file for `{}` (`{properties_yml_name}`) does not contain the expected substring (`{expected_substr}`)."
            assert properties_yml_name.endswith(
            ), f"The properties file for `{}` (`{properties_yml_name}`) does not end with `__macros.yml`."